Decrease or even settle the debts that well-intentioned business people or entrepreneurs have ended up with because the financial crisis forced them to close their doors. This is possible thanks to a programme that waivers accrued liabilities payments based on out-of-court settlements that are facilitated by the public administration system.

– Encourage second chance entrepreneurship and new projects whilst ensuring they do not imply evasion. Alternatively, help people to join the labour force.

– Give second chance entrepreneurs access to a comprehensive professional training programme that supports them as they make new businesses decisions. This preparation programme is based on complementary training courses, aid and financial resource options.

– Increase competitiveness and boost economic growth by recuperating the know-how and entrepreneurial talent in the Region of Murcia that was hit by the recession.

Give business people and entrepreneurs the recognition they deserve by fomenting social awareness of their effort and work: creating jobs, wealth and prosperity for everyone in the community.

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